I Link di Religione 2.0 – 03.04.2011

1) A scuola con Skype
2) “Eu Kids Online”, ai bambini mancano le competenze digitali
3) Il clero orientale a scuola di media
4) Il segreto della creatività (in spagnolo)
5) Inaugurazione di un parco tematico religioso a Nazareth
6) Mappa della crisi in Libia (in inglese)
7) Nuove iniziative per la Gmg di Madrid: la Via Crucis, un fumetto sul Papa e il Rosario online
8) Un video per mappare l’universo come lo descrivono le ricerche astronomiche
9) La Cei aggiorna l’Intesa per l’insegnamento della religione cattolica
10) Una casa a Nazareth risalente ai tempi di Cristo

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  1. Amazing_Grace scrive:

    I noticed that you posted my Stations of the Cross file folder game on your blog. All activities, games, information, etc. on my blog are free; however they are only to be used for classroom and personal use. They may not be published on any websites or other electronic media, or distributed in newsletters, bulletins, or any other form or sold for profit.

  2. Luca scrive:

    Hi dear, I translate it for my users after put it on blog, otherwise it’s not possible for them use it. There are two possibilities:
    1 – I stop to write about you on my blog and other newspaper (I write about you recently on magazine about religion and web)
    2 – I can translate your work and link to you
    My blog is no profit and I hope that you, catholic, wish share your fantastic work with all world :)
    Sorry for my bad english
    Best regards

  3. Amazing_Grace scrive:


    Thank you for the prompt reply. I would appreciate it if you would just stop writing about my blog.

    Thank you! :)

  4. Luca scrive:

    Ok very catholic witness… Congratulations…

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